How Imbema enhances sustainability tracking and compliance with Coolset


Comprehensive visibility into scopes 1, 2 and 3

Improved efficiency in reporting and compliance

Simplified data management, enhanced accuracy

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Coolset’s platform helps us manage the complexity of sustainability reporting and gives us clearer insights into our environmental impact

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Imbema  is  a  family-owned  business  that  specializes  in providing  products  and solutions  for  the  water,  energy,  and infrastructure  sectors.  With  a  focus  on sustainable  operations and  a  commitment  to  leaving  a  positive  impact  on  the world, Imbema  partners  with  clients  who  prioritize  corporate  social responsibility and environmental stewardship. Imbema  works  with  large infrastructure  companies  that require  their  suppliers  to  meet  high  standards for sustainability, including  certifications  like  the  CO2  Performance  Ladder  and CSR Performance Ladder.

The challenge

Imbema  faced  the  challenge  of  accurately  tracking  and repor ting  their  carbon footprint  across  various  business activities  and  multiple  data  sources.  Their existing methods relied  heavily  on  manual  data  collection  and  Excel spreadsheets,  which were time-consuming  and  prone  to errors.Additionally, with  the  growing  impor tance  of regulator y compliance,  Imbema  needed  a reliable  solution  to  help  them manage  the extensive  requirements  of sustainability cer tifications  and  audits,  par ticularly  for medium-sized enterprises  like  themselves.  They  considered  external consultants  or hiring  an employee,  but  both  are  resource intensive.

Why Coolset?

Imbema chose  Coolset  for  its  comprehensive sustainability management platform,  which  offers  robust  features  for tracking  carbon  emissions  and  ensuring compliance  with CSRD.  Coolset’s  ability  to  manage  both  direct  and  indirect emissions  data  (scopes  1,  2,  and  3)  provided  Imbema  with  a detailed over view of their environmental impact.Coolset's  platform  allows  Imbema  to  easily navigate  through complex  data  and  compliance  requirements,  making  the reporting  process  more  efficient  and  less  resource-intensive. The  availability of  pre-configured  templates  and  suggested answers  further  simplifies  the data  entry  process,  making  it easier for Imbema to comply with audit requirements.

The impact

Since  adopting  Coolset,  Imbema  has  significantly  improved  its sustainability reporting  capabilities.  The  plat form  has streamlined  the  data  collection  rocess, reducing  the  time  and ef for t  required  to  gather  and  repor t  emissions  data. Imbema now  has  access  to  more  detailed  and  accurate  data  across  all emissions  scopes,  which  has  greatly  enhanced  their  ability  to monitor and reduce their environmental footprint.

“ The  platform  has  helped  us  get  a  better grip  on  our  carbon footprint,  especially  in  areas  where  we  previously  had limited visibility.”

The  improvements  in  data  accuracy  and  efficiency  have  also facilitated  Imbema's  compliance  with  various  sustainability certifications  like the  CO2  performance  ladder,  ensuring  that they  meet  the  standards  expected by  their  clients  and regulatory bodies.

Customer success

Imbema  describes  their  relationship  with  Coolset  as supportive  and responsive. The  partnership  is  characterized by  quick  communication, collaborative problem-solving,  and  a shared  commitment  to  achieving Imbema’s sustainability goals. Coolset’s  dedicated  support  team  has  provided timely assistance  and regular workshops,  ensuring that  Imbema’s  use of  the platform  remains  aligned with  their  evolving  needs  and challenges

Favourite features

Step-by-step  guidance:   Coolset’s  platform guides  users through  the  data entry  and  compliance  process,  making  it easier for non-experts  to  manage complex  sustainability requirements.

Suggested  answers:  The use of pre-configured  templates  and example  answers  helps  Imbema  understand what data  is needed  and  how  best  to  present  it, reducing the learning  curve and increasing accuracy.

Specialist  support:  Access to Coolset’s  team  of  experts allows Imbema  to  quickly  resolve  issues and gain  insights  into  best practices for sustainability reporting.

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What's next?

Looking  ahead,  Imbema  aims  to  set  new  sustainability  targets for  the  next  5 to  15  years,  using  Coolset’s  plat form  to  track progress  and  ensure  they  meet their  environmental  goals.  The plat form  will  continue  to  be  a  critical  tool  for Imbema  as  they work  towards  greater  sustainability  and  compliance  in  their operations.

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