ISO 14064

ISO 14064

ISO 14064 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that provides guidelines for quantifying, monitoring, and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals. It is a comprehensive framework that helps organizations establish a systematic approach to managing their carbon footprint and assessing the effectiveness of their GHG reduction initiatives.

The ISO standard is widely recognized and adopted by organizations worldwide to enhance transparency, credibility, and consistency in reporting GHG emissions. It supports organizations in their efforts to address climate change, set reduction targets, and communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders, customers, and regulatory bodies.


What are the three parts of the ISO 14064 standard?

Part 1

Focuses on GHG inventories and provides guidance for organizations to develop and report their GHG emissions profiles. It outlines principles and requirements for designing and implementing a GHG inventory, including data collection, calculation methodologies, and quality assurance processes.

Part 2

Specifies the principles and requirements for GHG projects and the quantification of GHG emissions reductions or removals. It provides guidance on evaluating and verifying emission reduction projects, including the use of relevant methodologies and criteria for project design, monitoring, and reporting.

Part 3

Provides specifications for the verification and validation of GHG assertions. It outlines the principles, procedures, and competencies required for independent third-party verification of GHG inventories, projects, and assertions.

ISO 14064 vs. ISO14001

ISO 14064 and ISO 14001 are both international standards related to environmental management, but they have different focuses and applications. Here are the key differences between the two:

ISO 14064

Specifically focused on GHG emissions quantification, monitoring, and reporting. It provides guidelines for organizations to develop and report their GHG inventories, quantify emissions reductions or removals from GHG projects, and establish processes for verification and validation of GHG assertions. ISO 14064 is primarily concerned with managing and reporting on an organization's carbon footprint and its efforts to reduce GHG emissions.

ISO 14001

A broader environmental management standard that addresses a wide range of environmental aspects beyond GHG emissions. It provides a framework for organizations to establish an effective environmental management system (EMS) and implement practices to minimize their environmental impact. ISO 14001 focuses on managing environmental risks, complying with applicable regulations, and continually improving environmental performance. It covers areas such as waste management, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, and stakeholder engagement.


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ISO 14001
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Environmental Management Systems
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