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Meet our team: a day in the life working in sales

Written by
Frederica Crouch
August 12, 2024
min read

By the day, sustainability is becoming more important for companies. Mathijs van der Mars, sustainability solutions manager at Coolset, helps companies navigate the complexities herein by connecting them to Coolset - a platform that streamlines carbon calculations and CSRD reporting. We spoke to Mathijs about his experiences over the past two years.

Can you describe the main responsibilities of your role?

Mathijs: I am responsible for sustainability solutions at Coolset. The main responsibility of my role is business development - approaching new companies, talking to them about our product and trying to get them onboard. The main difference between classic business development roles and my role here at Coolset is that the largest part of my conversations concern educating people about sustainability and new legislation. Because this is such a new topic, businesses are not just searching for a solution but learning about what the problem they are facing is. My role is to know their problems well and help them find their way to a solution that fits them.

On a more practical level this means that I not only approach companies and go through the sales process with them but I am also constantly making sure I am up-to-date with legislation and new developments within the sustainability space. This then allows me to host webinars and other sessions.

What does a typical day look like in this role?

Mathijs: An average day in my role largely consists of researching companies that would benefit from our software. Working in sales at a start-up means there is always lots to do. Once I have identified the relevant companies, I work to find the best people within that company to talk to and then get in touch. Another big part of my day is educating myself on any developments in legislation and general sustainability trends that are relevant for the people I am talking to. Being up to date on my sustainability knowledge is crucial as it allows me to best relate to prospective and current clients, and be able to give them accurate and relevant information. This also allows me to do additional things such as host webinars and events!

Are there any particular people or companies that you try and target?

Mathijs: Yes - definitely! Coolset is a sustainability platform designed primarily for mid-market companies. This means that the companies we work with generally have between zero and two sustainability people in their team, which is not a lot. If there is a sustainability manager, I will focus on contacting them to discuss how our software can make their job easier. If not, I would focus on business controllers or individuals working in the finance team who are generally involved in CSRD compliance. In any case the CFO of a business is ultimately responsible for the reporting, so I often aim to get them involved in the discussions.

You mention working with many clients who have a small (or non-existent) sustainability team. How can a sustainability software such as Coolset help?

Mathijs: For those companies who have no sustainability team - or a very small one - sustainability software can be a game changer, as it automates a HUGE proportion of the work taking an enormous amount of pressure off the already stretched teams. For example, once financial data has been imported into Coolset’s software, it automatically measures your carbon footprint. This process can take months if done manually on spreadsheets, so the software really helps in this way.

CSRD is a relatively new directive, and can be incredibly overwhelming and time consuming for small sustainability teams. Coolset has automated this compliance task, with all the relevant CSRD questions for compliance on the platform. This allows companies with no or few sustainability experts to comprehend and complete the reporting, ensuring their business remains compliant and works towards becoming more sustainable.

What are the key challenges you face in your role and how do you address them?

Mathijs: I think the key challenge currently is urgency. So many people don’t understand just how urgent the issues they face are - both the climate crisis, and the steps they must take to reduce their impact. CSRD has been brought in by the EU to make companies more aware of their environmental impact, but again a lot of companies don’t recognise the urgency of doing this reporting. So a big part of my job is to educate people on this, and help them move away from more established solutions - such as relying on consultants - which aren’t beneficial for them in the long run as they don’t help to build internal knowledge. Simplifying the sustainability compliance process through our software, alongside the provision of academy resources and support from our sustainability experts allows our clients to feel confident in their reporting.

Before this, you were a basketball player. How did you end up working in sustainability?

Mathijs: Yeah, after my basketball career ended I went back to school. I did a Business Administration master's first and realized I was looking for a career driven by a more intrinsic motivation, something I really care about. Sustainability as a topic really spoke to me, so I completed my second masters in sustainability, which ultimately led me to Coolset.

Did any of your basketball experience or experience from other roles help in your current role, and if so, how?

Mathijs: Definitely. Playing sports at a high level teaches teamwork, work ethic, and the ability to adapt quickly—skills useful in any role. But especially working at a start-up where the stakes are so high and the pace incredibly fast, you have to be able to keep up. When I joined Coolset there were only four of us, which required me to be agile and adaptable, traits that my sports background helped me develop.

In what ways do you collaborate with the wider team, and why do you think it's important to do so?

Mathijs: Beyond the sales team, I work very closely with the development and research team. The development team in particular need to know what our customers want, but as they don’t engage with clients directly it’s crucial for us to communicate those needs to them. So as a sales team we serve as a channel to communicate the needs and wishes of clients to the development team, ensuring the software is serving our customers as best as possible. The communication also goes the other way, as we communicate latest updates in the platform, and new sustainability information from the research team, to our clients.

What do you think is the key to being a successful team?

Mathijs: Communication is really important, especially between different teams within Coolset. Educating each other on what works and what doesn't, and having a common goal, are also key factors. However, having a common goal does not mean the way to get there always stays the same. What this means is that, as a commercial team, we have to make sure the needs of (potential) customers align with the efforts of the delivery team.

Now of course I consider chemistry an important factor as well. This goes back to any successful basketball team I was on, or any well-functioning team in a business. People should feel like the sum of the parts is greater than the individuals and you do that by having good chemistry on and off the work-floor. At Coolset we do a great job of working hard and having fun together!

Is there any success story or achievement in your current role that you're particularly proud of?

Mathijs: I think there are two main achievements. We signed Heineken, which was huge. We were up against over 10 other software solutions, and they chose us which was really exciting.

The process involved several demo’s with representatives from multiple departments. Hannah Langeveld, the Sustainability Manager, worked together with the procurement department, Security Officer and finance department.. Navigating these varied interactions was a challenge, as we were fielding questions from all directions, but we rose to it!

In terms of outbound wins, signing AKD was a particularly proud moment for me because I got the assignment to go out and sign them and managed to do so. It is always great to complete a task, but when you get a specific one to drop it feels extra good.

Why do you think Heineken chose Coolset over all the other competitors?

Mathijs: I think it was our collaborative approach throughout the process. We really engage with our clients on their specific needs and requirements. We work with each other, to educate and listen, rather than pushing our solutions onto them. This approach allows us to ensure we are doing everything we can to make the product work for our client, and makes us stand out.

What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from your experience in sales?

Mathijs: I've learned a lot, especially working in sales at a start-up where anything can happen! But I think the most valuable lesson I’ve taken away is the power of listening. I really believe listening is more important than talking. You can talk all you want to try and sell your product, but if you don’t listen to what the person is saying, you will never be able to meet their needs.

How do you see the sales landscape evolving, especially in the context of software and sustainability?

Mathijs: The landscape changes rapidly, almost on a month-to-month basis. I’ve been at Coolset for almost 2 years now, and even within that time the landscape has changed so much. Initially, we had to convince people to start with sustainability reporting, as it was barely even on many company's agenda. Then, once reporting became more commonplace, our next challenge was to encourage companies to use a software solution to help them. Now, the hurdle we are up against is the competition. There are so many software solutions out there, so we are focusing on highlighting what differentiates Coolset from the market.

As I already mentioned, what makes us stand out is our client-focused approach to success, and the agile way our platform can be adapted to suit clients.

Are there any future goals or initiatives you're excited about for Coolset?

Mathijs: Yes, we're focused on growing, and it's exciting to anticipate what's going to happen once CSRD becomes mandatory. We're growing at a good rate now, but we expect an inflection point where growth accelerates significantly.

Outside of work, what do you like to do?

Mathijs: My biggest hobby is sports. I like to work out, play basketball and tennis, and read books.

And what's your favorite part about working at Coolset?

Mathijs: I love the diversity of the job and helping the company grow. I feel like every extra step I take adds something substantial, which is probably my favorite part of the job.

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The sustainability management platform for mid-market companies