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Coolset’s new “Supporting Evidence” feature helps businesses validate their sustainability claims in CSRD reporting

Written by
Natalia Pavlovicova
September 24, 2024
min read

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to provide verifiable and auditable information about their sustainability efforts, including their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. This goes beyond data reporting – it also mandates companies to back up each claim with appropriate documentation, ensuring accuracy and transparency of the reporting process.

In response to this need, Coolset has launched its new Supporting Evidence feature. Supporting Evidence makes it simple for businesses to attach relevant documentation to each individual data point in their double materiality assessment or ESRS disclosure. By doing so, auditors can easily trace and verify the original data sources, ensuring compliance with CSRD regulations while streamlining the entire audit process.

An integrated solution for supporting documentation

Coolset’s Supporting Evidence feature offers a seamless solution for managing all the necessary supporting documents within the reporting process. The feature allows users to:

  • Upload supporting documentation (PDFs, Word docs, images, and more) to an integrated document library.
  • Attach existing documents to specific data points in their CSRD reporting.
  • Export supporting evidence alongside their CSRD reporting, allowing team members and auditors to easily access, review and analyze the original data.

Making verification smoother for auditors

Thanks to Coolset’s Supporting Evidence feature, auditors can now access organized and comprehensive documentation, making the verification process for CSRD reporting quicker and more efficient. This increased efficiency ensures faster compliance verification while reducing the workload for sustainability and compliance teams.

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